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MagickSetImageProfile: Correct Profile Format?

Posted: 2008-01-23T13:43:19-07:00
by venalicium
I'm trying to set the IPTC (or 8BIM) profile on my JPG image.

I'm trying this (psuedo):
MagickSetImageProfile($magick_wand, "iptc", "external.iptc.file");

I've also tried this (psuedo):
MagickSetImageProfile($magick_wand, "iptc", fread("external.iptc.file"));

I've also tried this (psuedo):
MagickSetImageProfile($magick_wand, "iptc", "2#5#Object Name=\"Object Name\"");

The external.iptc.file works with the command line version of ImageMagick but I can't make it work with MagicWand for PHP:
2#5#Object Name="Object Name"
2#25#Keyword="keyword 1"
2#25#Keyword="Keyword 2"
2#25#Keyword="keyword 3"
2#80#Byline="This is the byline"
2#85#Byline Title="this is the byline title"

I'm thinking that perhaps the strings need to be encoded to something?

What am I doing wrong?