I was noticing that the torn effect on vintage2 was not working , nor is the border, when I was using it on a CentOS server - I then noticed that tilt shift was having issues as well.
I isolated the simple sketch effect out with the correct direct paths, and used the vignette to ensure these paths were all correct - I discovered that -sketch is simply not working.
So tilt shift creates a black image, Vintage2 torn effect causes the entire script to fail,Vintage2 shadow does not work, Border Effects has some strange results where the Y axis is exaggerated, background texture has the same problem where there the effect is vertical but not horizontal, (lines up and down instead of a nice dispersed effect), sketch simply does not work at all.
The package installed on the server is the most latest, however it is the most basic package as well. There is a BC Math installed.
I noticed that these functions tend to come under the transform or fx areas ?
I have been running these on my local windows machine under xampp with imagemagick 6.9 absolutely no problem - it is only when I load them to the server.
Some details about the install
I am hoping that someone might be able to hammer down what I have not installed, what needs to be installed or where things are going wrong.
Thanks in advance
Code: Select all
imagick module enabled
imagick module version 3.3.0
imagick classes Imagick, ImagickDraw, ImagickPixel, ImagickPixelIterator, ImagickKernel
Imagick compiled with ImageMagick version ImageMagick 6.9.0-10 Q16 x86_64 2016-01-22 http://www.imagemagick.org
Imagick using ImageMagick library version ImageMagick 6.9.0-10 Q16 x86_64 2016-01-22 http://www.imagemagick.org
ImageMagick copyright Copyright (C) 1999-2015 ImageMagick Studio LLC
ImageMagick release date 2016-01-22
ImageMagick number of supported formats: 22
ffmpeg* lwp-rget* phar.phar* sa-compile*
../ ffprobe* Magick-config* php* sa-learn*
a2p* ffserver* Magick++-config* php-config* sa-update*
animate* find2perl* MagickCore-config* phpize* shasum*
bdf2gdfont.pl* findrule* MagickWand-config* piconv* spamassassin*
c2ph* gpgmailtunl* mal-scan* pl2pm* spamc*
chartex* graph-easy* mech-dump* pod2html* spamd*
compare* h2ph* mencoder* pod2latex* spfd*
composite* h2xs* mogrify* pod2man* spfquery*
config_data* htmltree* montage* pod2text* splain*
conjure* identify* mplayer* pod2usage* srs*
convert* imgsize* neroAacEnc* podchecker* srsd*
corelist* import* oscartest* podselect* stream*
cpan* instmodsh* package-stash-conflicts* prove* stty.pl*
cpandb* ip2cc* pear* psed* tpage*
cpan-mirrors* ipcount* peardev* pstruct* ttree*
crc32* iptab* pecl* ptar* vsyasm*
dbilogstrip* json_pp* perl* ptardiff* Wand-config*
dbiprof* lame* perl5.8.8* ptargrep* wp*
dbiproxy* libnetcfg* perlbug* pwhich* x264*
display* lwp-download* perlcc* qt-faststart* xsubpp*
dprofpp* lwp-dump* perldoc* s2p* yasm*
enc2xs* lwp-mirror* perlivp* sa-awl* ytasm*
faac* lwp-request* phar@ sa-check_spamd* zipdetails*
root@vps15452 [/usr/local/bin]#