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Error Convert JPG to JP2 on Windows Platform

Posted: 2010-04-15T08:49:15-07:00
by porkyng
I came across a problem Converting JPG to JP2 on Windows Platform where the error did not appear when I was working on a Mac/Unix

The following is the command I typed on Windows:
>> imconvert 001.JPG -quality 100 -define mode=int 001.jp2
imconvert: unable to create image '001.jp2' @ error/jp2.c/WriteJP@Image/877

*I renamed the convert -> imconvert to prevent confusion with paths
note: The renaming of convert -> imconvert did not solve the issue
and I doubt the file size is an issue of the error

I also checked ImageMagick Delegates under imconvert -list configure
and jp2 is listed as one of the delegates on ImageMagick 6.6.1

The exact command is typed on Mac/Unix system and it ran flawlessly.

I really need to get this command working on the Windows Platform. Hope some expert can give me some useful suggestions.

I'm running on Win7 x64, Intel Xeon, 12GB RAM

Re: Error Convert JPG to JP2 on Windows Platform

Posted: 2010-04-15T09:05:42-07:00
by snibgo
Your command works for me on Windows 7, IM 6.6.0-8. Can you post the input image? What IM version are you on?

Re: Error Convert JPG to JP2 on Windows Platform

Posted: 2010-04-16T06:26:20-07:00
by porkyng

As you can see from the input image, convert works on other conversion such as jpg -> tif
but convert does not work on converting from jpg -> jp2

I am using ImageMagick version 6.6.1 as mentioned above

Note: This computer is recently formatted, not sure if there is any scripts/program I am missing to run convert jp2 properly

Re: Error Convert JPG to JP2 on Windows Platform

Posted: 2010-04-16T07:33:37-07:00
by snibgo
Sorry, I don't know what the problem might be. You might try:

- Can you convert any images to jp2? Eg "imconvert logo: logo.jp2".

- Run the convert with "-debug all". That might provide a clue to what is failing.

Re: Error Convert JPG to JP2 on Windows Platform

Posted: 2010-04-20T07:25:37-07:00
by porkyng
imconvert logo: logo.jp2 works perfectly

it seems it is a windows permission problem
I found another post which was talking about the same issue I had


Thanks Everyone

Re: Error Convert JPG to JP2 on Windows Platform

Posted: 2010-04-20T09:21:13-07:00
by fmw42
your input jpg may be corrupt. or you may need to upgrade your libjpeg


convert logo: logo.jpg
convert logo.jpg JP2:logo.jp2