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Error when trying to save a jpeg to tiff...

Posted: 2007-02-27T09:32:32-07:00
by johnoyler
At this point, I've commented out all of the transformations. I'm reading in a jpeg, and trying to write it as a tiff. I get this error:

Exception 350: /data/art/temp/nHhwGTWk9R.tiff: Unknown pseudo-tag 65537. `TIFFSetField'

I had installed libtiff 3.8.2. I recompiled imagemagick after that, and it did see the tiff library.

I can even save some arbitrary tiff file, one that's just floodfilled red or whatever, but if I'm reading in a jpeg, no luck. Strangely, other formats seem to be ok, if I read in png, and try to convert to tiff... no problem.

Re: Error when trying to save a jpeg to tiff...

Posted: 2007-02-27T10:28:37-07:00
by magick
The exception starts with a 3, which means the exception is a warning and can be safely ignored.

Re: Error when trying to save a jpeg to tiff...

Posted: 2007-02-27T11:13:24-07:00
by johnoyler
Hmm.. Mac OSX's preview does not like the tiff's created when I get this warning. They show up as blank.

Gimp seems to see these easily enough. Sorry for the false alarm.