See for reference to the original method.
The Imagemagick syntax is as follows:
Code: Select all
convert inputimage -kuwahara Radius resultimage
Code: Select all
convert inputimage -kuwahara RadiusxSigma resultimage
In the Imagemagick implementation sigma is optional and provides a bit of smoothing control that the original method does not include. In the Imagemagick implementation radius+1 is equivalent to the original method's quadrant width.

Code: Select all
convert peppers_colornoise_gauss2.png -kuwahara 2 peppers_kuw_gauss_2.png

Code: Select all
convert peppers_colornoise_gauss2.png -kuwahara 3 peppers_kuw_gauss_3.png

Code: Select all
convert peppers_colornoise_gauss2.png -kuwahara 4 peppers_kuw_gauss_4.png

Code: Select all
convert peppers_colornoise_gauss2.png -kuwahara 5 peppers_kuw_gauss_5.png

Code: Select all
convert peppers_colornoise_gauss2.png -kuwahara 7 peppers_kuw_gauss_7.png

Code: Select all
convert peppers_colornoise_gauss2.png -kuwahara 9 peppers_kuw_gauss_9.png